Saturday, December 02, 2006

Miscellaneous Eccentricity 2 [Muzak]

Muzak 1
The powers that be pipe music into my dormitory canteen. It’s always changing: one day its the New World Symphony; the next, Britney. But yesterday the music sounded like a ten year old on a Xylophone. In fact, I think it probably was a ten year old on a Xylophone. And then I recognized the song. Tinkling along in well spaced notes was the tune from

Hitler, has only got one ball,
The other, is in the Albert Hall...

Muzak 2
I’ve been in several bars that, at the end of each night, play Auld Lang Syne over the P.A system.

Muzak 3
The major pedestrian crossings in the city play loud music when the lights turn green. North/South intersections play a jaunty little tune - apparently it's from a Scottish folk song. It's a very electronic noise, but even that cannot deaden the irritatingly upbeat jingle. In stark contrast is the music of the East/West intersections - a maudlin death march played on a Wurlitzer. I much prefer moving with the sun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rwanda muzaks Phil Collins. A lot. But you know, I actually think I prefer TRUUUUUUUEEE COOOLLOURRRSSS muzaked.

Glad you're back writing. Was missing you.