Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pumping Iron

I've been doing some work at a magazine called Fukuoka Now, which seems to be something of a hub for the gaijin community here. A lot of random things seem to happen due to being associated with it. Like for example, last week, I was in their office doing some proof-reading for them, and they asked me to stand in for a model who had just cancelled on them. Of course, I obliged, and duly found myself face to face, arm-wrestling, with a huge, gurning, muscle-bound American called Tyler. I pointed out my relative lack of arm meat, but they were not bothered (the photo deadline being that afternoon). So I tensed for all I was worth, and stared into his eyes with all the hate I could muster, trying desperately not to laugh at his immense cocked eyebrow and rictus scowl.

The resulting ad can be seen here. They appear to have inflated my bicep to the size of my head. Yes, yours truly, advertising a competition to find the most masculine, muscular, manly of men.

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